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Trust without limits

Writer's picture: Liz TorresLiz Torres

In previous articles I have told you that, in my opinion, trusting in myself means thinking, feeling that I can, that I do have the ability to achieve my goals. This makes a big difference in the life of any person, especially a woman, because it gives you health, well-being, and the motivation and security that you need to take a step forward with courage, despite the fear you may feel in front of any new challenge.

Additionally, I have been sharing with you my 5 keys to increasing self-confidence:

Remind me of all the times I've done things right and achieved my goals. If things don't go exactly the way I wanted, take a moment to reflect on what I should have done differently and not repeat it in future challenges or opportunities. This is precisely the reason why I do not believe in failure, even when things do not go as I wanted, there is valuable learning for the future and this cannot be considered a failure. Remind me that Being extraordinary is not a privilege for a few. Most people think this, and the truth is that for me, extraordinary people are just like everyone else. The difference is that those people detected their talent or strengths and dared to develop it. Something that with personal work, we can all achieve. Very important, most of the time we do not dare to do what we dream of, because we are terrified that others do not approve. We are all approved, simply for being human beings. You will never get everyone around you to agree. So, I usually evaluate my goal and if it is aligned with my values, I remember that I don't need external validation and even if I feel scared, I take a step forward. Surround yourself with positive, optimistic people, successful in what you want to achieve, who guide you, who share their experience with you, who drive you. You have no idea what a difference this will make in your life.

Now, in this article, I would like to draw your attention to something that I call "intelligent thinking" and that has nothing to do with the fact that it originates from a brilliant mind, but rather with something very simple, within everyone's reach, which is to understand the impact that, according to science, our thoughts have on our results and learning to use them in our favor.

In this sense, I have had the opportunity to investigate the subject, and I particularly love the approach of Verónica de Andrés and Florencia Andrés, mother and daughter, Argentines and authors of a very interesting book called Total Confidence and that is why I would like to share them with you. They state that you have approximately 50,000 thoughts in a day, and that of them, 80% are usually negative thoughts about yourself. This creates an image in your brain about you and negatively impacts your actions and the result of them. Obviously, this tendency affects your self-confidence. But the good news is that you can change those thoughts and generate in your brain the mental image of yourself that you want. This is exactly what I call intelligent thinking, which is the constructive thinking about yourself that you can begin to have consciously and that encourages you to trust yourself and achieve your goals. You can make a conscious decision to replace statements like "I'm NOT good at this" or "I'm not good at that" with "I want to learn how to do this and I can do it", especially if you choose to develop a growth mindset and think that not only people who have talent can be good in certain areas, but anyone with basic skills can be good at whatever they set out to do with commitment, discipline, and work.

This is how we came to an incredibly valuable thought, which has accompanied me for many years, which I would like to invite you to make your own and illustrate it with a personal anecdote. As I have told you on other occasions, I am the mother of Gabriele and Amanda, 12 and 9 years old, respectively. Every day I tell my kids, "Promise me that if you set a goal, and someone, whoever it is, tells you that you CAN'T achieve it, you won't believe them."

Today I want to ask the same of you. There are people, and unfortunately, many women, who do believe those who say they can't, without realizing that many of these people speak from their limitations and not from theirs. You are in control of your actions. You are responsible for your destiny. Remember that there are no impossible goals. Simply, many women are not committed enough to their goals and do not trust themselves or life. Changing it only depends on us.

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