Each person has the power to choose and work on the attitude they want to have towards life and the way they want to respond to their circumstances and that determines their results and creates their reality. There is a very interesting aspect in the constructive attitude that we promote from Impronta de Mujer, which is joy and a sense of humor. You can train yourself to —consciously and intentionally— bring joy and humor into your life and experience the magical effects they have.
What are joy and a sense of humor? Joy is a positive emotion, a pleasant state of mind that generates joy and manifests itself in your appearance, actions, decisions, and language. A sense of humor is a positive and cheerful perspective or attitude towards life and everything that it presents to you, a valuable tool to face adversity and is key to human well-being.
In my personal process of experiencing and maintaining joy and a sense of humor, being born and raised in Venezuela has helped me a lot. Most of us Venezuelans are lucky to be cheerful and have the ability to make a joke and have a sense of humor, even in the most critical moments. But no matter where you're from or what you're like now, you too can be cheerful and have a sense of humor if you choose to.
In this order of ideas, there are some strategies that have helped me and I trust you will find them useful to experience and maintain joy and a sense of humor:
1. Eat healthily, do some physical activity that you enjoy at least 30 minutes a day and sleep a minimum of 7 hours a day.
It is scientifically proven that practicing these habits improves your health and provides a lot of well-being, making it easier to experience joy and a sense of humor.
2. Practice gratitude.
Identifying and being grateful every day for everything you are, do, and have, brings you instant joy. I invite you to take a moment every day to give thanks and experience it. Another alternative is to imagine for a moment what your life would be like without those blessings you enjoy today: your health, your favorite people, your home, your job, and so many others. Being aware of how lucky you are to have them will surely help you feel and maintain a joyful attitude towards life.
3. Meditate.
Meditation connects you with that wonderful world within you and positively impacts your spirit, mind, and body. Your health improves, you have more energy, you relax, you sleep better, you find peace and clarity, you begin to have more positive thoughts, you focus and solve problems more easily, you become more creative and effective, your relationship with others improves, you recognize the unlimited power that you really have, you value yourself more, you increase your self-esteem and it is much easier to experience joy and have a sense of humor from that state of fulfillment.
4. Dedicate time to spirituality and personal growth.
Have faith and trust (not necessarily in God, but you believe in him, you can have faith in life and in yourself, and choose to believe that whatever happens, everything will be fine; as well as learn new and interesting things that help you project a more beautiful reality, handle problems more appropriately, overcome the challenges that come your way and grow without pain, will undoubtedly help you feel joy and have a sense of humor.
5. Do what you are passionate about.
When you do activities that you like, you enhance your creativity, and skills, you even lose track of time, and most likely you get very satisfactory results. How not to feel joy or have a sense of humor doing what you love most?
6. Share with your favorite people.
If there is something that can fill you with wonderful experiences and bring you joy, it is meeting and sharing with people you like, who enrich you, who love you, and who consider you valuable. Whenever you can, share with your favorite people and enjoy the joy and sense of humor that it brings you.
7. Identify your purpose and live a meaningful life.
Discovering what your reason for living is, what you are in the world for, and making the decision to live fulfilling your purpose, turns your life into a gift, into an experience of fulfillment. And if your purpose serves others at the same time, that opportunity to give to other people guarantees that joy will not take long to manifest and accompany you.
8. Forgive.
Complete that process in your mind, according to which you believe that the behaviors that bother you or hurt you from other people simply show you aspects of yourself that you must transform. Consequently, you assume them as tools for personal growth, renounce any destructive response and release any negative emotion that you may have felt, leading you to a state of liberation and peace from which it is much easier to experience joy.
Now you know what to do to feel happier. But why is it so important that you become aware and train yourself to experience joy and a sense of humor? Scientific studies and my own personal experience have revealed to me that joy and a sense of humor bring extraordinary benefits.
Here I share 8 of them:
They improve your health, strengthen your immune system: for me they are the best vaccine against the disease:
They reduce stress and anxiety
They help fight pain.
They increase your self-esteem
They make you a human magnet. Everyone wants and enjoys the company of someone who is cheerful and has a sense of humor.
They make you more optimistic, strong, resilient, and effective on balance
Increases the average age of life
They bring you well-being.
I say goodbye reminding you that you can choose! Let nothing take away your joy or sense of humor, no matter what happens