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Writer's picture: Liz TorresLiz Torres

The habit of extraordinary people.

Personal growth is a process of permanent individual evolution, and in very simple language, it is everything you do to raise your level of consciousness, be a better human being, and develop your potential and abilities to be happier.

I really like the phrase of the Spanish author and speaker Victor Küppers: "fantastic people have fantastic habits" and I have no doubt that one of those habits that can make you an extraordinary person is to invest time and effort every day in your personal growth.

Renowned authors, advisors, entrepreneurs, etc. share empowering routines in which they dedicate at least 20 minutes a day to personal growth. An example of this is Robin Sharma, who proposes the 20/20/20 rule in his book "The 5 in the morning Club". He suggests dedicating 20 minutes to the body, to perform physical activity, gain energy and reduce stress, which is perfectly aligned with our key. For the next 20 minutes to the spirit, to meditate, thank, visualize goals, or depending on your beliefs, pray. Finally, 20 minutes are dedicated to personal growth.

Now, how can you do it? Through various means: mentors, good books, courses, events, and accounts like @improntademujeroficial, which constantly transmit valuable transformational messages in very simple language.

But it is very important that you keep in mind that knowing is not enough, you need to put what you learn into practice for it to work and achieve results.

When is a good time to practice your personal growth?

Always: minutes before or after getting up, before going to work, while doing housework, during a break from work, if you eat alone or if you are in the company of other people who are also interested in their personal growth, while you are traveling somewhere. place or listening while driving, while waiting to enter an appointment or meeting, or before going to bed, in short. However, some authors, such as Robin Sharma, maintain that dedicating time to personal growth very early in the morning can make a big difference in your day, making it more productive and giving you more peace, balance, and well-being.

Presumably, the scientific concept that supports this statement is known as transient hypofrontality and refers to the fact that when you wake up the prefrontal cortex of your brain, which is responsible for rational thought, turns off. Then, excessive thinking, analysis, and judgments are deactivated, as well as the negative emotions that usually accompany them. At that moment, serenity and silence activate neurotransmitters dopamine, serotonin, and you connect more easily with creativity, productivity, performance, making it easier for you to reach states of flow. In other words, a positive emotional state, in which you feel immersed in what you are doing, you are deeply focused, you raise your skills to the extreme and you enjoy yourself so much that you lose even the notion of time and what is happening around you. You feel motivated, happy, and highly efficient.

How much time a day should you dedicate to your personal growth?

It depends on you. However, experts suggest that you should spend at least 20 minutes a day.

Have you heard of the 1% Rule?

The author of the book Atomic Habits James Clear indicates that if we dedicate 20 minutes a day to our personal growth, and improve 1% each day, in a year we would have a version of ourselves improved by 37.78%.

Have you ever wondered how much time you spend daily watching TV, chatting on social networks, or talking on the phone? If you practice this habit and apply the 1% Rule, investing 20 minutes a day in your personal growth for the rest of your life, you would most likely be able to learn using a method other than pain, you would be more valuable, you would improve all aspects of your life and you would have a fuller life, as well as the opportunity to serve, leave a legacy and a mark on the world.

It is very interesting that today more organizations and companies promote the personal growth of their employees. They have shown that whoever develops the habit of personal growth is also a healthier, motivated, active, participative worker, who yields and produces more and contributes to generating better social and work environments.

In conclusion, why commit to developing the habit of personal growth? Because there are many and very valuable benefits of developing this habit:

  1. You raise your level of consciousness.

  2. You improve your health.

  3. You increase your quality of life, you are happier and all aspects of your life improve.

  4. You learn about interesting topics constantly and painlessly.

  5. Boost your motivation and creativity.

  6. You become more active, effective, and successful in achieving your goals

  7. You handle change better.

  8. You think more constructively.

  9. You don't waste time, you make better decisions, you solve your problems better, you perform better and you become more productive.

  10. Increase your self-esteem and improve your relationship with yourself and with others

  11. It helps you identify opportunities and gives you clarity on fundamental issues such as your purpose and vision of life

  12. It helps you overcome fears, challenges, and make you more resilient.

  13. It helps you create a more appropriate family, social and work environment.

  14. It offers you tools to better serve and positively impact your community, leaving a legacy or mark.

I invite you to start practicing intentional personal growth today to transform yourself, change your reality, and make your contribution to build that fair and sustainable world that we all want.



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